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Showing posts with label Fawzia Koofi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fawzia Koofi. Show all posts

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The lives of Afghan women

What most Westerners know about Afghanistan, at best, simplistic and one dimensional.

Canadians, whether they favor or oppose the inclusion of this country in Afghanistan, and the huge cost in lives and dollars, that they have the impression of some vast tracts of land, where there is no law, where untamed bad either base or roam freely, and copies of all corruption.

This will be sweeping the memoir written by Fawzia Kufi, the female politician in Afghanistan, the most popular, and not to change this impression, but it will add some meat to the bones of the human drawn by a vague image for the most part of government propaganda. In all


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